2021 Inovance & EST Regional Exchange Conference in Yiwu

The 2021 Inovance & EST Regional Exchange Conference is underway. At the second stop, we came to the innovative city-Yiwu, and gathered at the Yiwu Xingfu Lake International Conference Center with all agents and customers to discuss the control system.

·01 Exchange Cutting-edge Products·
Before the start of the meeting, the agents and customers had a discussion around the booth about EST's third-generation intelligent IMM control system solution, IDream series cutting-edge full (hybrid) electric servo control system and iLink cloud factory. The on-site staff focuses on answering questions about the aspects that customers are interested in.

·02 Predict New Trends in The Future·
At the exchange meeting, Yan Feng, deputy director of EST's sales and service management department, delivered a speech of "Development Trend of Factory Intelligence and Control Technology", and reviewed the background of the birth of Industry 4.0, then pointed out that with the aging population and the loss of young blood in the industry, the plastic machine industry is bound to change from function to intelligence.
   ·03 Discuss Technical Problems·
Later, Li Caibo, a product manager, shared the "Application Introduction of iVenture System" to everyone. He expounded the development process of the iVenture system from theory to practice, from R&D to market-oriented development. Finally, he introduced the failures and alarms that the IMM will encounter on site, and how to predict and deal with it quickly which won applause from the attendees.
·04 Approaching the Intelligent Factory·
At the end of the meeting, Fan Zhouyi, the product manager, shared the "Introduction to the Application of the Internet of Things". He clearly and concisely showed us the blueprint of the Intelligentize of the future IMM industry. We believed that under the escort of ILink, intelligent, visualization, customization... can all be realized one by one.

The meeting at Yiwu Station ended perfectly. The future exchanges will continue, cooperation will continue, and the wonderful will continue!